出自於「用白紙做的小孩」/ 伍政瑋 (@seabreezebookssg 出版)
文字精辟。這是我第一印象。 伍政瑋的詩詞給我的感覺很特別。易懂,又不失文采。不常讀詩集的人也能很快的融入詩的意境。雖說詩詞易懂,但也留了空間給讀者自己琢磨其中深層的含意。字句間透著對成長、人生、社會的感悟,從而也引導讀者去思考自己的經歷。 伍政瑋的詩不受傳統格律限制,節奏、形式多樣化,其中的創意也讓詩詞變得有趣。這是一本我會反覆閱讀的詩集,推薦指數11/10。
Incisive, experimental, clever, and fun.
That’s how I’d describe Wu Zheng Wei’s debut poetry collection. While I have half a foot (or maybe a toe) in the literary scene, I tend to approach reviews from the perspective of the average reader that I am, and to me, the accessibility of a book is also as important as its literary quality or brilliance. It’s so fun to read. And that’s why I love it so much.
Wu picks up the most mundane and everyday objects or happenings around us and turn it into beautiful and sharp lines that I find myself rolling over my tongue and brain, chewing over each and every single word. I love poetry that points me to things I tend to overlook or forget, and the brevity of each piece makes me slow down to digest what’s within the lines, and how it intersects with my own experience and perspectives.
The collection is divided into two part: 「十分痛」and 「微雨之城」. The first part is about coming of age, the latter part zooming out to look at the fabric of society.
Would recommend this 11/10.